Zoning at the office" by sfllaw is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.jpg
By Chase Buffington
Chase is the director of the Cispus Outdoor Learning Center. He has worked in the outdoor profession for over 15 years with a focus on outdoor recreation and education.
Who were you before the COVID-19 pandemic forced you onto a screen?
Post-COVID life will not be easy; there will be a few awkward stares with a mask off, along with admitting you and others are socially awkward in person (maybe even before COVID). Our spider webs and dust will fall to the side as the light at the end of the tunnel reveals itself: “WE ARE BACK!”
Here is the catch: the service industry is experiencing “WE ARE BACK” and “WE NEED HELP.” This means that many people are keeping that 40-hour virtual work life and adding another 40 hours of in-person life. The juggle begins. As this reopening takes full swing many will crash or have the “big burnout”
Key Signs of Burnout Can Include:
• forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating
• difficulty maintaining relationships and being present with loved ones
• frustration and irritability with co-workers
• physical symptoms, such as muscle tension, pain, fatigue, and insomnia
Time for our leadership side to kick in.
It is time for a reboot from where expectations were created and where they are going. This is important structurally and many staff and families need words of encouragement, the voice of awareness, and the understanding of what we all just went through.
At an outdoor residential camp, many of us have been in survival and building modes. Now, we must get back to service mode. All of this is transitional, and, to no fault of their own, little mistakes are happening. A little shrug acknowledging faults, a lot of humility, and a get-back-on-the-saddle mentality will make for a positive return.
To all of our members, here are a few questions to reflect on as we make this transition: Take a little time to acknowledge how far you have come. What positives can be pulled from this? What mistakes have I made to increase my humble meter?
At the end of the day, we are all humans and together sharing our stories. Looking forward to seeing you all on the open trails ahead.
Additional Resources:
Zoom Fatigue: Symptoms, Causes, Coping Tips
A Study How Life Could Get Better (or Worse) After COVID (berkeley.edu)