Pacific Northwest Allied Networks (PNW-AN)

E3 Washington is proud to have launched the Pacific Northwest Allied Networks in 2023.

PNW-AN is on pause. Check back here and/or email becca.kedenburg@mtsgreenway to receive updates.

Pacific Northwest Allied Networks (PNW-AN) is a confluence of networks in the Pacific Northwest region (WA, OR, AK, ID, MT; and BC, Canada) whose varied missions contribute to a healthy environment, sustainable economy, and equitable community systems.

Like a healthy, interconnected ecosystem, we aim to strengthen collaboration among environmental, sustainability, and outdoor education groups in the Pacific Northwest. 

Originally conceived as a network for other networks (such as membership organizations or associations), PNW-AN was created to expand connections between each other. Ultimately, we aim to build a regional ecosystem of communities who work together to strengthen existing relationships and develop new connections.

Who is this for?

Leaders of environmental, sustainability, and/or outdoor education networks in the Pacific Northwest who are excited about connecting with each other and advancing the field.

Why participate?

  • Build relationships with and learn alongside colleagues from around the region

  • Learn from other networks, such as:

    • Regional EcoNets

    • Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators

    • Whatcom Coalition for Environmental Education

    • Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network

    • King County Play Equity Coalition

    • National Wildlife Federation

    • Pacific Education Institute

    • Statewide environmental education associations

  • Gain or provide professional development

  • Work together to solve problems of practice 

  • Expand your reach: Share announcements and showcase work

  • Feature on Environmental and Sustainability asset map (Washington groups only for now)

  • Participate in learner-driven design - help direct this effort

E3 Washington membership:

E3 Washington membership is required to participate. Learn about the membership tiers and a fee waiver option at:

Questions? Contact Becca Kedenburg at:

Photo by Zhen Hu on Unsplash