Grants & Awards

Grants, Scholarships, Contests & Awards
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Need an ongoing grant opportunity resource? Check out Washington State’s Recreation and Conservation Office.

Nature Vision is now recruiting for multiple Board Members!

WSTA is committed to rewarding excellence in science education in Washington state. As part of this effort, we annually recognize up to eight educators, selected from the categories of early childhood education, elementary school, middle school, high school, higher education, and informal science education. Awardees will receive local and state recognition, a one-year membership to WSTA, an honorarium of $500 to be spent at their discretion as well as other benefits.  Plus free conference registration! Please visit their website here to apply.

Applications are now open to all Washington educators and are due June 30, 2024.


  • Five or more years of science education experience

  • Current employment as a part or full-time educator of science at the pre-K, elementary, middle, secondary, or higher education level or informal science educator in Washington State.

Nature Vision is now recruiting for multiple Board Members!

Nature Vision is a 501c3 environmental education nonprofit organization founded in 2003. Their mission is to foster appreciation and stewardship of our environment by educating and connecting our community to the world around us. Nature Vision serves over 70,000 PreK-12th grade students annually. For more information, please visit their Board Page at

They are currently seeking additional board members with specific expertise in finance and accounting, law and policy, fundraising, social justice, and cultural competency.

For more information, please see their website. Email Board President Julie Nelson at and Ginny Sanchez Ballard at with questions.

Grant to Improve Park/Trail

RCO is accepting applications for grants to build parks, trails, ball fields and boat moorage, as well as to conserve wildlife habitat and working farms and forests.

These grants are the largest source of state funding for many of Washington’s outdoor recreation experiences, and one of the few sources of state funding for conserving working farms and forests. This is the only opportunity to apply for these grants until 2026.

Grant applications are due May 1. More information about the grants is available RCO’s website

The Washington US-ED Green Ribbon Schools Funding

The nation’s top honor for Environmental and Sustainability Education and green school efforts – apply now! Learn more and apply here. Schools and districts are recognized for their progress in

1) Reducing environmental impact and cost;

2) Improving the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff; and

3) Providing effective environmental and sustainability education.

Contact for more information.

The Outdoor Education for All program grants for School Districts administered by OSPI.

This portion of SSHB 2078 supports allocation-based grants for schools, tribal schools, school districts, and Educational Service Districts to develop or support outdoor educational experiences.  Outdoor education programs should be aligned with the Washington State content learning standards and the development of social and emotional learning skills. Programs are encouraged to review the Since Time Immemorial Curriculum developed by the Office of Native Education at OSPI and infuse traditional ecological knowledge into the field experiences for students.

Grant awards will be up to $5,000-$40,000/project. Funding is to support student populations that meet the eligibility criteria. 

Read more and apply here.

Only school districts are eligible to apply for either grant.

Biden-Harris Administration Makes $500 Million Available to Fund School Buses that Reduce Pollution, Save Money, and Protect Health

Second rebate competition from President’s Investing in America Agenda builds on nearly $1 billion investment that will put thousands of clean school buses on the road

WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of at least $500 million in funding from the Clean School Bus rebate competition that is transforming school bus fleets across America and protecting children from air pollution. This second round of funding will build on the previous nearly $1 billion investment to further improve air quality in and around schools, reduce greenhouse gas pollution fueling the climate crisis, and help accelerate America’s leadership in developing the clean vehicles of the future.

“Thanks to President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, more students, teachers, and staff are breathing easier this school year as brand-new clean school buses are hitting the road in communities across America,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “We’ve seen incredible demand for this program from school districts that want to benefit from the transition to cleaner school buses, leading to cost savings for districts, better air quality, and less pollution. We’re committed to building on this work and continuing to accelerate the transition of America’s school bus fleet.”

Learn more and check your eligibility here.

Children's Health Grants and Funding Opportunities

EPA issues competitive funding announcements for projects and programs relating to improving children’s health where they live, learn and play. 

Learn more here.

Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction:
Nominations Now Open for Educator Award Programs

If you know someone who should be recognized, now is the time to nominate!

Teacher of the Year: Open to any certificated teacher who spends at least 50% of their time with students in a classroom setting. Deadline to nominate: March 1

Classified School Employee of the Year: Open to any public school classified employee working in a non-executive management position. Deadline to nominate: March 1

History Teacher of the Year: Open to K-12 teachers of American history (including state and local history) with at least 3 years of teaching experience. Deadline to nominate: April 30

Nominations open soon for Principal and Assistant Principal of the Year.

Climate Education Pathways Grant

The Climate Education Pathways project is a collaboration between BSCS Science Learning, Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 

We are developing curriculum materials and professional development with the best approaches to student and teacher learning in mind. 

Teacher-collaborators will field test a 6-8 week digital high school science unit about climate and biology developed for the NGSS. Teachers will be supported in localizing the unit for their students and community. 

Teachers who are a part of the field test have the opportunity to be paid up to $2,700 over the course of 1.5 years (January 2023-May 2024).

Learn more and apply here.

Seed Grants

Grant Size: $500 - $1,000

The Seed grant program is geared towards groups launching new projects or starting to significantly change the direction of an existing project. Most often, groups have been working on the project less than a year and usually don't yet have much direct experience with implementing the idea.

Seed grants prioritize support for community groups who represent a broad range of voices in their community and who are not being reached by other funders. The Grassroots Fund interprets the word 'environment' broadly and provides funding for a wide range of activities. 

Deadline: rolling - you can apply for a Seed grant any time of year. A final decision generally takes 4 to 6 weeks and you can expect to hear from staff to schedule a follow-up call in about 2 weeks from the date you submit an application.

Learn more and apply here.

Clean School Bus Funding

The EPA is offering funding for the Clean School Bus Program. Program goals are to:

  • Maximize number of clean and zero-emission school buses funded through program

  • Prioritize school bus replacements in areas that have been historically underserved

  • Offer multiple funding opportunities and programs throughout the five year timeline

    • The program will evolve over time based on lessons learned and stakeholder feedback

  • Click here to sign-up for the Clean School Bus News list to guarantee you receive regular program updates.

    • Add to your email contacts to ensure our messages don’t go to your spam folder.