Educator 2 Educator

E2E Representatives from Alaska, Oregon and Washington meet with Program Evaluators Veronica Smith and Beverly Pearson, March 2016.

E2E Representatives from Alaska, Oregon and Washington meet with Program Evaluators Veronica Smith and Beverly Pearson, March 2016.


 E2E Initiative for Student Learning

A Pacific Northwest Model for Collective Impact

From 2013-2016, E3 Washington worked with four Washington school districts and higher education to develop local, state and regional models of school-community partnerships that support interdisciplinary, project and place-based learning. This was part of a larger EPA grant which E3 managed with affiliates in Alaska, Idaho and Oregon. This project reached over 21,400 Washington K-12 students, and will have lasting effects for many years.

Collective Impact Components

Common Agenda

  • Implementing State Environmental or Outdoor Education Literacy Plans

Shared Measurement Systems

  • Systems Thinking Model for Change
  • Wavy-Line Diagram to identify systems "tipping-points"

Mutually Reinforcing Activities

  • Teacher Professional Development
  • Resource sharing among and within States

Continuous Communication

  • Monthly calls
  • Biennial workshops

Backbone Support Organization

  • E3 Washington
A Spidergram offers a snapshot of complex project components

A Spidergram offers a snapshot of complex project components

The wavy line diagram from evaluator Beverly Pearson's Insite. Each state identified Tipping Points necessary to ensure systemic change.